Frisell/Krauss subliminal Pink Floyd Tribute ??

I have been enjoying listening to the Viktor Krauss album Far From Enough for the last week or so but something was triggering a electron in the memory bank that may have been lost or just possibly hadn't been excited for a while. I kept wondering, 'what does the song Grit Lap remind me of ?'

Well I listened again today, but this time with my headphones, and it finally came to me. Grit Lap is a little Frisell/Krauss tribute to Pink Floyd and David Gilmore. I can hear both Shine On You Crazy Diamond and Echo's.

Anyone else hear these references or am I just dreaming?

Showing 3 responses by olson_jr

Listening to this album again and love it. If there are any Frisell fans that missed this one because it is listed as a Viktor Krauss disc you need to check it out. It is called FAR FROM ENOUGH.
MnMark, I have really gotten into Frisells music in the last couple of years. Enjoy both Gone Like a Train and Good Dog Happy Man. Would love to see him live, have you?

I always seem to hear other songs or snipits of other songs im music. Sometimes I can get my wife to listen but she only agrees with me half the time.

Right now I am listening to Becks Sea Change, Already Dead and I hear Traffic's and Nick Drake influences???
Mnmark, I have the East West disc too. Love the intro to Grapevine on that one.

The only time Frisell played here, that I knew of, we were going to be on vacation and I missed him.

I was listening to a Zero 7 Cd yesterday called 'When It Falls' and told my wife that tracks 6 and 7 (When It Falls and The Space Between) sound like they are doing a little bit of Echos. Now she thinks everything reminds me of Pink Floyd.