Fried A-3 speakers

I would appreciate any thoughts on the sound of Fried A-3 speakers. I am considering a pair for a vintage office setup.

I would also appreciate any thoughts on value. I think they listed new for $688. I checked and they are not listed in the Audiogon Bluebook.

Showing 4 responses by jperry

I bought them today based on the comments from all above. I responded earlier, but that response has not posted so sorry if this comment is a repost.

The seller said the marks on top cleaned up and sent updated pictures.

Any suggestions on stand height? Should the tweeters be above, below, or at level with my ears?

Thanks again for all of the input. I will be using this in my office with a Roksan integrated amp.
Thanks RW and Bojack,

Based on your comments I think I will go ahead and buy them. I was going to run them with a solid state integrated. I think it will be more than adequate in a small office, do you agree?

Any suggestion on stand height?

Should the tweeters be above, below or even with my ears?
Thanks Bojack. I will update this when I get them up and running. It will be a couple of weeks due to my schedule.

Thanks again for all of the help.

Jim Perry
They arrived, work fine, are in great condition, and sound very good. Hooked up with Kenwood KD-500 turntable and Roksan Caspian integrated. I need to buy an equipment stand and speaker stands.

Thanks to everyone for their comments