Frequency Response

Would you use a sub if your speakers only went to 45Hz? Should you always use a sub? 


Showing 2 responses by spenav


Yes you should use at least one sub. Your speakers bass response depends a lot on placement and on the room itself. The placement requirements for your mains to provide good images and tonality are different from the requirements to provide adequate bass. For good bass, your speakers need to be close to room boundaries. For good image and tonality, they need to be away from your walls. Subs are the only way you can get both without compromise. And then there are these pesky room modes…


Nice article.  It’s well written and well executed  I appreciate your honesty when you said:

”Lets be honest, these are not typical results.  This happens to be the combination of my speakers, room, listening location and, very importantly, room treatment.”

Back in the real world, DBA is how we do it, you know that.