French Doors

We have moved to a house and I was looking forward to setting up my system in a dedicated room. This room is 13 X 12 but does not have a door. Instead, it has a Rough Opening (a term I learned at Home Depot) of (H) 94" X (W) 65". I was told that this is not the standard French Door size. I am looking for any advise that you guys can offer to get this room sealed.

I want to get this done ASAP, as I will not set up my system in a room that is open to kids and visitors.

Showing 2 responses by rdavwhitaker

I second the response from Sid42. Ask your neighbors for suggestions for a good local "handyman" company they use, or check Angie's list. Any decent home improvement/repair contractor can frame in a door, mount drywall, and hang the door with his or her eyes closed. Like Sid42 , I know whereof I speak - I'm a complete klutz, but I have a great home improvement guy that everybody in my neighborhood uses. I may not be handy, but I can speed dial with the best of them. ;)
One more thought on French doors. I built a listening room/study in an attic space in a prior home, and because of lighting issues, wanted to have a French Door to get more light into the space. I solved for the sound problem by having an EXTERNAL french door and frame installed -- one that was intended to be the front door to the house or the back door onto a patio. It was very heavy, insulated, had double-paned glass, and the surrounding door frame was also insulated and had a rubber weather seal. It looked great, but also was a very good sound insulator -- I had no problem with vibration and the sound dampening was very good.