Sorry, Syntax but you are wrong, WRONG, W-R-O-N-G!!! All reviews are subjective, opinion pieces. Be it hardware, software, print, film, video, music, painting, theater, sculpture, whatever. By definition. The only facts that you find in the reviews are the prices, dimensions, running time, cast, color, dates, etc. Then there are the measurements that for example JA prints in the sidebars. Those are objective within the limits of the equipment and techniques he uses but there are other ways to make some of those measurements. When you get to the discussions of the sonic character of a piece of hi-fi gear or the writing of a novel or the performance of an actor or musician it is ALL OPINION. Unless of course the reviewer (and you, apparently) has/have a direct line to the TRUTH.
So I say buck up, OP. If you like it that's all that matters. And I say good on MF for piping up!!! That's what makes this forum so interesting. You get manufacturers, designers, dealers, reviewers and users all able to interact on an equal basis. And to Kzhtoo- I understand your dilemma; it used to be easier when bricks and mortar stores were more prevalent. Not sure what the answer to your problem is; unfortunately as a society we are addicted to the lowest price, no matter what the other costs are.
So I say buck up, OP. If you like it that's all that matters. And I say good on MF for piping up!!! That's what makes this forum so interesting. You get manufacturers, designers, dealers, reviewers and users all able to interact on an equal basis. And to Kzhtoo- I understand your dilemma; it used to be easier when bricks and mortar stores were more prevalent. Not sure what the answer to your problem is; unfortunately as a society we are addicted to the lowest price, no matter what the other costs are.