Free CD collection

Ive decided that between Vinyl and streaming Im just no longer interested in owning or storing CD,s, I haven’t even had a tranport in my system for years now. The collection of between 300 and 350 is pretty eclectic but if I had to describe it Id say Rock/blues/jazz mostly. If anyone  in the So.Cal area would like them PM me and they’re yours, I want  to give them to someone who would enjoy going through them and then adding them to they’re collection and I can’t handle (having) a garage sale anyway , Enjoy.


Showing 4 responses by bikeboy52

Just to make things perfectly clear to all following this thread and the moderators,yes I am giving Shtinkydog free of charge (no compensation) my CD collection as I no longer listen to them and would like someone to be able to enjoy them . Thanks.

Some things never change, 62 years old and still getting sent to the principals office.

@shtinkydog Quite welcome hope there’s both some things you like and some things you’ve never heard before ,quite a bit of So Cal local stuff ,I remembered that there was signed  disc in there from the great Top Jimmy who was immortalized in the Van Halen song , Enjoy.