Odd, all these complaints are tied to the US legislation, "Communications Decency Act" section 230. This particular section relieves the web sites and providers from responsibility for material posted on or through their products. As a result a 2018 study by the GAO found 47% of the items purchased by GAO in the research of eCommerce web site were counterfeit, fake, or look a likes and the products may be dangerous. Bet you can not guess who made it to the top of the eCommerce web site list of bad actors. The actions and policies of some eCommerce web sites is blatantly supporting criminal activity.
Fraud and scam, how many of you are victims?
I was a victim of the most unpleasant experience just recently.I thought i was buying a preamp, but it proves i have been sending money to a scammer. It turns out the seller had been using a stolen ID and digitally manipulated photos.
I managed to get in contact with the fellow whos ID had been stolen, and it proves many more have been scammed like me. I'd like to point out that this is NOT through Audiogon, but another big sight.
Utterly painful when it's borrowed money. This makes me totally rethink any future purchase on the used marked.
I wonder how many of you fellow audio-friends have had this happen to you?
I managed to get in contact with the fellow whos ID had been stolen, and it proves many more have been scammed like me. I'd like to point out that this is NOT through Audiogon, but another big sight.
Utterly painful when it's borrowed money. This makes me totally rethink any future purchase on the used marked.
I wonder how many of you fellow audio-friends have had this happen to you?