Franchise player-the one untouchable component

We're all probably familiar with the term "franchise player" or "cornerstone of what we're building here" bandied about in sports. Knowing what you know now, if you had to start a system all over, what single component would you begin with? For me it would be my preamp, it's the signal caller that calls all the shots and puts the team (system) in a position to win. I seek a quick, dynamic, round system, the balanced offense where no one frequency spectrum is favored. No double tight-end I-Formation bass to 18 Hz or bust here!

Use whatever analogy you like, football, baseball, painting, military strategy, whatever. My question is where do YOU begin? And why?

Showing 1 response by classicjazz

The problem I have is that I may have a great system and a great component but sometimes the urge strikes to try out prospects who 1) may be better and 2) may be cheaper. Of course the other truism is that the best trades sometimes are the ones you don't make. I regret selling off my Krell Audio Standard 2s a couple years back. That was a poor GM decision. Sort of like Jeff Bagwell for Larry Andersen?! Or Babe Ruth for $100,000 to finance Hello Nanette?! Audiophilia is bad but Red Sox disease is worse.