Dear @kanchi647 : I can't know why with so many today tonearms designs you are looking for the WORST vintage tonearms ever and I mean it.
Today: Triplanar, Durand latest gimball design, SME, Kuzma 4point, Reed, Schroeder, Thales, VPI gimball design, Da Vinci, etc. etc.
If you look for vintage then the best are: MS MAX 282, Technics EPA 100 and the 100MK2 or the 501, Lustre GST-801, AT 1010, etc.
Any of those tonearms outperforms any of the ones you asked for . The FR are undamped tonearms when all the other I mentioned here are very well damped designs and were designed that way because cartridges ( any ) ask for that damping no matters what.
Btw, today exist a lot better cartridges than the SPU or Koetsu and one of them is the Vdh ones.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,