FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ?

Hi Good folks!

I have an FR 64s with original headshell. Have ordered an Orsonic Av-1s/ 10 grams, to meet better compliance/ resonnance matching with higher compliance cartridges.

Any idea what the effective mass will be with this combination?

Would be funny to try for example how my London Decca Super Gold would work with this arm..😀


Showing 7 responses by geddyen

Hi lewm

I have already tried the combo, original fr64s/ Decca Super Gold, and it is playing music in a way.
Vinylengine calculator with fr64s original headshell ( 35 EM) says around 7.5 hz. I am also using the " Decca pod" that adds maybe 5 grams. ( Do not have an accurate weight here that exceeds 5 grams now).
But when I tried the arm/ cartridge compability track at Hifi news test record the cartridge jumped straight into the next track:)
About the resonance track on Hifi news test record, I read somewhere that the results/ cutting actually is wrong!?
I also have an Ortofon test record I can try on later..
Your trick / calculate formula seems interresting. But if it is as easy as Raulirugas is saying...?
This is a Decca pod:
Hi Rauliruegas

Original fr64s headshell FRS-3 as far as I know weighs 20.6 gr.
Orsonic AV1-s weights 10 gr.

Difference: 10.6 gr.

Meaning EM clocking in at 24,4 gr?

Resonance frequency 8.8 hz
Thats a green light 👍

Hi Rauliruegas

Good point about Decca recommendations. I actually did not know that, or thought that far. Typical caveman ideology, try first, read the manual after.
Also good point to use only the counterweight for VTF. Actually I tried that some time ago, most of curiosity reasons with another cartridge with acceptable results.

I also have an Basis Superarm 9 with good damping, so its no crisis here. But I was thinking to use the classic FR arm as my second/ dual mounted arm more or less for rock music/ casual listening. Would be fun to mount something else than low compliance mc's on the FR..
Interresting debate!

Got the Orsonic AV1S after some busy days with barbequing, beers and music. There must be no doubt that the AV1S was a much better match than the original FR64S headshell with the Super Gold. It sounds smother, cleaner and dynamics is really kicking. It is quite fun to drop the Decca needle now. And amazingly, the hum totally dissapeared😃!
According to HFN test record the ressonance are now about 9 hz. Still tweaking..
I should mention that I guess the relative good result also has to do with  the vacuum ( flat record/ no suspencion cantilever) and " oil spring damped" plinth/ Basis Debut..
Yes, I was thinking about on what You wrote about the B-60, offloading the vibration energy. An interresting theory. By the way I do not have the B-60, but the arm is drilled directly in the Debut plint.