FR64 cartridge suggestions

Been out of the loop for quite a few years due to some 'life' events, with system in storage.

I have been able to pull my system from storage, and last year worked enough overtime to upgrade or purchase new equipment, but I have not upgraded my turntable/tonearm/cartridge yet.

My turntable is a Technics SL1000 MKII which for those not familiar, is the Technics SP10 MKII turntable mounted on a factory plinth.
I have two Technics B-500 bases with an 'E' armwand and 'H' armwand that I don't use.
The tonearm I do use is a Fidelity Research FR64, so I need a low compliance cartridge.
The cartridge I used last is a vintage Fidelity Research FR-1 MK3 F, which needs to be re-tipped, and I will do so once I get a replacement.

The rest of the system includes:

Zesto 1.2 Andros tube phono stage
Zesto 1.5 tube preamp
Quicksilver V4 tube amps (new KT150 version)
Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 speakers
JL Audio 113 Fathom subwoofers (pair)

Curious what cartridges other high mass tonearm owners are using, especially those who use Fidelity Research FR64/66 tonearms.

Looking for cartridges under $2000 USD at most.. probably should spend half that.

I have over 20K records, so I am very anxious to get this back into service.

Really curious about suggestions and thanks in advance.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121

Showing 1 response by roberjerman

+1 syntax! Keep the FR-1 mk3F and have it retipped! Truly excellent mc cartridge - I have owned several! Easily competitive with far more expensive mc's!