Fozgometer/Adjust + Exchange

I bought the Fieckert Adjust + for azimuth alignment. Even though my recently acquired ZYX Universe II X sounds spectacular, it doesn't produce 1 kHz at 25 dB and therefore the Fieckert tool doesn't work with it. I would like to see if the Fozgometer produces the same results or will actually work, but don't want to buy one - I see no point to owning two tools for azimuth alignment. So, I'm wondering if someone who owns the Fozgometer would want to try out the Adjust + so that I can try out the Fozgometer. Preference would be someone around the Los Angeles area, but we can exchange via mail.  The Adjust + comes with-
USB Dongle
Test Record
Sound Card w/ RCA cable
Manual (pdf)

This would be a temporary exchange.

Showing 2 responses by sonelectric

In LA and interested. I do have a Foz.

Is Adjust+ PC only, or Mac compatible too? 

I'm on the East side, you?

Looks like that won't be usable for me, but you're welcome to use the Foz regardless. Can you PM me and we can set something up? I'm very close to the 110 in Silver Lake.