
I've used this gizmo a few times before and think its a very valuable tool. I'm setting up a new cartridge, and nearing the end of a whole day job...anyway, I'm using the proper test record, yet, the meter doesn't work...I get a dull lights on the 2 red ones, although the middle power light works. Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by sdcampbell

I was having problems with the accuracy of my Foz, which was still very new (purchased from LP Gear). I tried to calibrate the unit using the test tones provided on Musical Surroundings web site, but couldn't get it correctly adjusted and sent it to Musical Surroundings for service. The service manager, Mike Fajin, told me that my unit was severely "out of whack", but he was able to accurately calibrate the unit using a special signal generator built for MS by Jim Fosgate. So, if you have a Foz that's not accurate, or you have problems with calibration, you might want to send the unit to MS.
An additional comment or two to my previous post:
Mike Fajin also asked me about the equipment I used during my
calibration attempts. I had downloaded the test tones to my HP
laptop, and connected the laptop to the Foz using an
inexpensive splitter cable with a mini jack on the computer
end, and RCA jacks on the other two "legs" of the
cable. Fajin said a cheap splitter cable (i.e., from China)
could be a problem, and also that playing the test tones from
the laptop, rather than burning the test tones to a CD and
playing it on a CD player, might also introduce inaccuracies.
His advice was to burn the test tones to a CD and use that to
calibrate the Foz, and to use good quality interconnects from
the CD player to the Foz.

P.S. I got my Foz back from MS and it seems to be working
fine. When MS calibrated the unit, it was set to 30db, rather
than 20db as the unit's instruction manual states.