Four Hour Tube Amp Warm-Up

My Primaluna Tube amps require a 4 hour warm-up in order to enter the Glory Zone. My previous Muzishare X7 tube amp was the same. Just wondering if this holds with the experience of other tube ampers.


Showing 3 responses by holmz

Which Prima Luna?

The dialogue HP premium sitting in the rack sounds pretty good by the time the preamp is warmed up… (90 seconds.)


It could also be that the dross and flotsam of/from the stress of the day take 4 hours to be washed away…?


The old VTLs also sounded good pretty quickly.

But maybe there is somethng like capacitors forming that is happening?

I am really sorry to hear your system requires such an extended warmup. For tube equipment this is simply rediculous. I have owned a PrimaLuna integrated amp for over 10 years in my home office.



I may have never discovered it’s sweet spot.

When did we switch from amps to women?

bolong +1; a weak tube can take a long time to warm up properly

Where is @tubebuffer these days?
As Confucius say, “Man with strong tube, need little time to warm up.”