Forty bucks well spent....

Looking through an old thread about CD treatments, I saw a reference to a product by Audience called "Auric Illuminator." It consists of a black pen to be used on the outside edge of the CD as well as the inside of the hole, and a gel like liquid which is applied to both sides of the disc, and then polished off with special cloths, which are provided.
I had used Finyl brand CD treatment many years ago, and thought it had some positive effect. Anyway, without boring readers or myself with adjectives and hyperbole, I have to say that this product makes a positive sonic improvement that is easy to hear.
I really did not want to shell out $40.00 plus shipping for a cheap pen and a bottle of liquid, but it was more than worth it. For those of us who are still using silver discs, I can't imagine a better way to spend so little and get so much.
I will make the usual disclaimers: I am not affiliated in any way with Audience or the sale of their products.

Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

07-23-12: Marakanetz
Tmsorosk, What happend next after you hit a piece of paper with lazer pointer?
yeah, I want to know the answer to this question as well. I.E. what is the figure of merit to know which pen colour is better?
Did you measure the amount of reflection from each colour? OR, did you shine the laser on the line of colour & observe how much the laser light twinkled?