Forte Model 55 Amp

Anybody know anything about this amp? I did email Jon Soderberg and am waiting for his reply...but I think it's interesting that I can find almost nothing anywhere about this particular model other than the bluebook listing here. FYI in my somewhat modest system the amp sounds GREAT...(Adcom GFP 715, Silverline Preludes, REL Q150E sub). Anything leading me to a detailed list of specs or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by clippy

Hi folks. I just found this thread. I have a Forte Model 55 amp that I purchased 4 months ago. I'm moving next month into a smaller home and may sell all my stereo equipment and get one of those Geneva Sound Labs radios for my bedroom. Any info. regarding the Forte not already identified in this thread would be most appreciated.
