Former Special 40 - Advice on next purchase?

Link of my space below:

1) 12x18’ in a high rise - if you were me would you orient speakers next to the tv where it would place the speakers about 9’ to my ears and i listen from the couch? Or would you place them on the window wall where I could listen from farther back with some more room allowed  behind the speakers, but the side walls would be closer to the speakers? I have added an area rug since the photo was taken.

2) I sold my special 40s in the middle of covid uncertainty, and 8 months later of course I am getting the itch again. Would you go bookshelf or small tower for my space? If i go bookshelf can i improve by atleast a solid margin from the 40s if i were willing to drop up to 5k new or used? Or would I be looking at a minor upgrade and significant diminishing returns from the 40? I am not a bass hound, care about silky yet detailed mids and highs, soundstage, 3d etc. I just want to avoid really forward sound signatures. Some internet searching threw out a few initial options: Joseph Pulsar 2, Dynaudio confidence 1 (or contour 20 on sale), Sonus Olympica 1, revel 128be.

Or should I go small tower in this space? If so any recommendations, lets say under 7k new or used? I am a little hesitant to spend a ton on towers given i feel like i cant really let them rip in an apartment building, and would value low to mid volume listening characteristics. But open to going this route if its better than bookshelves in my space and general volume limitations.

Showing 1 response by smrex13

I have a room similar to yours in many ways - it's a little smaller (12x15), but has a window at one end.  When I first moved in, I set my stand mount speakers up in front of the windows (with thick drapes over the windows), but my system didn't sound good.  I tried several things to improve it - working on speaker positioning, moving the equipment rack to the side wall, using some additional room treatments, etc.  Finally, I rearranged the room and put the speakers along the longer wall - everything just snapped into place.  The soundstage became wide and deep, the bass was well controlled, the highs were no longer harsh.  I'd recommend trying both setups in your room to find out which sounds best to you.

In my room, I prefer stand mount speakers with good bass.  I've tried several tower speakers, but I found that they didn't image as well and they tended to overload the room in the lower frequencies.  
