Former Merlin Owners

I own Merlin VSM-MX. For the music I listen to (Jazz, Acoustic) and my room size (20x13) they are the best speakers I have ever heard. I have owned Alon (Nola), Proac, Vandersteen, and a few others - I have also auditioned many others. I am happy with the Merlins and believe they are great speakers and SOTA for two-ways.

I'm wondering if anyone has been a previous owner of the Merlins and found something they liked even better. If so, what speakers? What was it the new speakers did that you prefered to what you were getting from your Merlins. Just curious. I'm totally satisifed with the Merlins, but just curious what experiences others may have had.

Showing 1 response by bobbyapalkovic

nice to hear from you all again!
for those of you that still have your vsms, by all means get the lead free mod done because it is the crowning achievement for the vsm speaker. honestly, not too much can be done to it after that, if anything.
for those that had problems with them being tipsy with small children or animals, we have created a stabalizer that is centered around the feet on the rear of the speaker to stop them from falling over.
they can now play louder, wider, deeper, with better focus and are fuller and more relaxed sounding than ever before.
thank you!!