Forever speakers around $5000

Hi Audiogon! Your help has been invaluable in the past so I’m back yet again. I think I’m close to purchasing my forever speakers and am looking for recommendations of what to consider. Here are some qualities I’m looking for, in order of importance:

  1. Amazing soundstage. I really enjoy a speaker that can throw a BIG soundstage.
  2. Fun, slightly U-shaped frequency response.
  3. Tight, punchy, musical bass.
  4. Airy and clear high end, think Magnepan.
  5. Good R&D and technology. If I’m paying this much for a speaker, it better not just be a damn box with some bargain paper cone drivers in it.
  6. Nice looking. This is a speaker, first and foremost, but it is also a piece of furniture. It really does have to look nice (I hate to say it, but this probably disqualifies offerings from GoldenEar).
  7. Semi-compact. I like a speaker that has a good physical presence in the room (not too small) but not something massive like a Magnepan (been there already) or Wilson. I like units no more than 45" x 10" x 16" or so. Also cant weight a million pounds as we are still in a rental and will have to move these.

I currently own a pair of LSA 2.1 Signature floorstanders, which have certain qualities I like (soundstage/imaging due to rear firing tweeter, size/weight, U-shaped). But things I feel are missing (bass feels a bit loose, build quality could be better, feels very low tech with paper woofers and unbraced MDF cabinet). I listen to a wide range of music, mostly a lot of intimate jazz combos, some experimental electronic and IDM, funk, some rock, black metal, and a bit of classical.

Here are some speakers I have heard and liked:

  1. Magnepan MMG - amazing detail, imaging, mids and highs
  2. LSA 2.1 - for all their shortcomings, they check a lot of boxes
  3. Dynaudio Focus 20 XD - awesome balance and great bass for a standmount
  4. B&W CM10 - I really like this speaker, though I’ve seen some measurements that have turned me off
Speakers I have heard and were disappointed in:

  1. KEF LS50 - honestly seemed very shrill and shouty to me
  2. Martin Logan ESL - weirdly didnt get a great impression of these
  3. GoldenEar Triton 3 - not only ugly, but I found these a bit boring to listen to
So, any ideas? I'm willing to consider new or used (if it can be found somewhat easily) speakers around $5000. I can give more info if you have questions, thanks!

Showing 3 responses by revrob

There are some great speakers mentioned here. Finding the right speaker, IMHO, is the key and the most difficult of all building a great system. I just went through this process.

Here is my recommendation. Brand new pair of Canton Reference 3 DC Speakers. Once Stereophile Class A Speaker, if that means anything to you, reviewed when they were $16K. 

On sale at Accessories4Less at $4k shipped and no taxes. You need to take in account of shipping as well unless shipping is included. Truly a Reference Caliber Speaker and my last speaker.

Good luck on the journey. The review and the purchase link is below. There is no difference between the Reference 3 DC and 3.2 DC but the tweeter and the 3DC has the better tweeter for a thousand dollars less.
I owned the Salk HT3 for 5 years and it's one of the best sounding speakers I have heard. Highly recommended. I prefer the Cantons over the Salk. But you definitely can't go wrong with ANY of the Salk Speakers, very musical and great midrange and bass. 
Magnepans are great speakers however I could never get them past my wife. I also don't like how they look but that is personal. Unfortunately asthetics plays a huge role and it is part of the equation when looking for speakers.

I think the other factor for many buyers is can they resell the speakers for a decent amount of money if I don't like them. Most speakers and electronics usually resell at approximately 50% of their retail value so buying used should also be considered. 

The last thing is that large speakers cost a lot to ship especially from cost to cost. My last speakers, Salk HT3, cost over $600 to ship to their new owner and I incurred some of the cost. My last speakers were purchased with free shipping. Good luck.