Forced to Downsize

Unfortunately we are losing our lovely rental because the owners are tearing it down. The good news is we are moving close to the beach, the bad new is that the giant setup I have now has to go because the space is pretty small. So I'm asking what is everyone favorite small footprint turntable, up to $2750 budget (used is always acceptable) including arm. Cartridge will be a Lyra Delos.

Showing 1 response by geoch

Make your own minimal plinth for the refurbished Denon DP80 listed here for $1350
You can keep your Delos/UP4 and make a stand alone cylindrical brass armboard for $--- (cheap)
This is the lower limit of minimum space a TT can take.
Try to find the Red Rose R3 used. They can make you forget the Quads !!!
Good Luck.