Forced to Downsize

Unfortunately we are losing our lovely rental because the owners are tearing it down. The good news is we are moving close to the beach, the bad new is that the giant setup I have now has to go because the space is pretty small. So I'm asking what is everyone favorite small footprint turntable, up to $2750 budget (used is always acceptable) including arm. Cartridge will be a Lyra Delos.

Showing 1 response by dhcod

Thanks! All great ideas. I'm going to listen to a Simplex and Amadeus but I'm maybe leaning toward a used P9 (maybe a little more than my budget on a Rega wallshelf which is a very compact package. Height is going to be an issue or I'd keep my current Amazon Model 2, so the Gyro/Orbe is not possible. The Quads definitely have to go and I want to die. I'll need something with a small footprint that'll play from up against a wall. Audio Note maybe. My wife keeps telling me that this is an adventure and it will be fun and she's fully expecting me to say in the coming months that the new system sounds better than the old. Nice of her, but I doubt it.....