For those familiar with the original AR9 and tubes

I'm considering (it's actually on the way) driving them with an SET 845 tube amp at 18-22 wpc. Currently running Adcom 565 monos; incredible bottom end, too much in fact. Mids and highs very clear but shrill. Hard for me to articulate the impression. Listening fatigue sometimes but, not always, seems to depend on the source. Room is 3024 cu. ft. with an open side of the long axis. Less than average reflection. My expectation is that I will bi-amp with a ss on the bottom end and eventually change to a tube application. Thoughts, considerations, and for those who really know, any recommendations?

Showing 1 response by vernonwtx

This is an old thread, but... I have had my AR9's since I bought new in 1982. I used to drive them with a Yamaha M-2, then a M-80. I have gone to a Canary Audio CA-301 mkii 22w 300b tube amplifier. Much better sound and never any lack of power... deep controlled bass, beautify mid and high.

I also use Synergistic Research Resolution Ref cables... wonderful upgrade to sound.