For SACD fans only

Want to upgrade my SACD playback, currently have Oppo 105-D, which has been fine, but the weak link in my setup. I have a Hegel H390, Raidho XT-2’s and Ansuz cabling throughout, including the DTC distribution box. Currently love the system synergy, sound and setup, but want to upgrade.

So my question for the forum is-- I have narrowed it down to a couple of options and would like to hear thoughts...

1- PS Audio Perfectwave SACD transport, which is now on sale for $4000, and a DAC. I could wait for PS Audio’s forthcoming new Directstream DAC, which they say will utilize the same galvanic isolation in their Perfectwave transport. The reason for the match is the I2S connection, which can deliver "pure" DSD. I believe that a Sony chip is necessary. Another DAC option is to go with a Holo Audio May KTE DAC for around $5000. It has the I2S input, but I don’t believe it will play the "pure" DSD layer.

2- Esoteric K-05XD or Esoteric K-07XD SACD player. Two players not currently available but will be in the next month or 2, for I believe $8500 and $7500 respectively. Esoteric has confirmed to me that they will be available shortly. The nice thing here is that you get 2-in-1, both a high-end transport (one could argue the best available transport at any price) and also a fantastic DAC. I have read reviews of the Esoteric K-03XD, which is available and has the "Master Sound Discrete" DAC. The K-05XD and K-07XD will also use the "Master Sound Discrete" DAC-- reviews are that this is a big step up from previous Esoteric models, and sound fantastic. They have a USB input and other digital inputs, so you can utilize the internal DAC if I should use a server or go the streaming route-- or both.

Currently don’t use a server or streamer, but both options give me that flexibility. One box or 2 boxes? (Holo May DAC would make it 3 boxes!)

Won’t be able to audition unless I buy both and then return one.

Thoughts? Thanks


@jayctoy - yes, I’m aware that a NON-hybrid SACD has only the SACD layer, and hence, it will only play on an SACD player.

@Jafant  -  I have not yet purchased an SACD transport.  And I suppose that given the potential connectivity issues related to the transmission of data files to a DAC, is making me wonder IF it makes more sense (less fuss) to just purchase a high end  "all in one unit"  SACD player with the DAC built-in....then that would automatically eliminate all connectivity and data transmission issues.  It seems to me that purchasing a transport only SACD device locks you in and limits the choices of which DAC you can use.   

@sharri - Maybe I’ve misled you as to the extent of my technical ignorance of much of the "consumer audio" gear that is out there. I’m an old guy who spent too many years in analog recording studios and am certainly not hip to all the latest digital formats. (So I’m depending on your advice or else I’ll have to hang out at the local high school at dismissal time and shake down one of the kids!!) Regardless, I know there are lot’s of gimmicks (formats) out there and don’t really believe based on info from high end audio dealers that the latest and greatest file types sought out by some are what I should be concerned with.

With that said, generally, there will be a readout on the transmitting SACD and or the receiving external DAC as to the digital data in play. I suppose my real hypothetical concern is purchasing (pre-owned) an SACD transport unit that will transmit it’s optimal digital stream to the receiving DAC. ALMOST ALL DACS will receive at least some form of data that will convert to analog sound coming thru the speakers....but whether or not the DAC is receiving the optimal bit rate is another story that many people on these threads have not entirely convinced me that they entirely understand.

If you can advise me how to be certain a given DAC will perform optimally with a particular transport, I’m all ears. In fact, more specifically, I currently own a Mark Levinson No 519 Streamer/Redbook CD player/DAC. I do not like the sound signature of the DAC. I am ready to purchase a Holo May KTE DAC and believe given the sophistication of the Holo technology that it will function perfectly (at the Redbook level) resulting in stellar analog audio reproduction. However, I will likely forego the CD transport section of the Levinson, and only use its dual mono streaming function with Qobuz, while assigning CD/SACD duties to a dedicated transport. AND THE QUESTION becomes whether my transport choices will be limited. The Holo has an I2S connection and maybe Holo will have to advice me on which transports are known to work optimally with their I2S. And lastly, I assume (perhaps incorrectly??) that the I2S data transmission is supposed to result in the best analog audio quality in an optimized set-up. I own a very high end downstream analog path so am focused on getting the best quality out of the upstream digital gear. Thanks :-)

jfant- I still haven't upgraded!  I was waiting for the Esoteric K-05XD to come out (it took a lot longer than I thought) and when it did, they priced it at $12K, above the $8K that I thought it was going to price at (because the yen/dollar conversion on the earlier Japanese version that's where they priced it).  I don't want to pay $12K.

Now I've moved and do not have a dedicated listening room--- yet.

So I've thought of other things, maybe going the d.Bob route.  PS Audio has also raised prices, their Perfectwave SACD transport has not gone on sale again (it's $7K, and their new Directstream DAC II is priced above what their old DAC's sold for (it's $8K).

Now I'm looking at McIntosh-- they 8950 Integrated with their MCT500 transport.

Net/net I'm stuck in neutral.

jymc-- I believe that the i2s connection on your Holo May will work with the PS Audio Perfectwave Transport-- in other words it will send the DSD layer all the way through.  But I would ask Holo Audio first.




Why not consider an Esoteric K-01X on used market. They are sub 10k and will out perform a Esoteric K-05XD. 

Its a 70lb monster. US Audiomart has a few. 

I hear the the XD versions are far better than previous iterations.  I've looked at K-03XD used.  Thanks for the thought.


OP- since you still haven't pulled the trigger yet, here's my 2c.

McIntosh MCD600 CD/SACD player that also has a preamp.

It replaced a Luxman 3X CDP and a Topping Pre90 preamp.

I run the Mac straight into my PS Audio M1200 monoblocks.

It sounds absolutely fantastic.