For our European friends

I was born in Poland but immigrated to the US as a teen with my family.... now in my late 40's I am actually thinking of going back to Poland.
Along the way I picked up this funny the rest of us here and would like to know a few things:
- Seems with Audiogon being 90% US based and doing a quick google search there is fraction of the stuff / many less audiophiles in EU than in the USA...If you live in Germany, Italy, Poland....or any other country in you feel there is a lot of opportunities to buy and trade high end equipment ?
 - There are some great EU companies but how about companies from the US? Are you able to pick up some of the gear made in the US but with proper Voltage or do you have to do the conversion yourself / at a local shop ?
- Anyone here actually brought their equipment from the US to Europe? 

Any feedback about the EU audiophile market and the hobby in general would be appreciated.

thanks !

Showing 2 responses by schubert

The EU in general looks to help ALL the people and high Taxes are the price of that and civillization in general.I lived in Germany a long time and the taxes bothered me at first but I came to realize even my life was better when universities charged no fees, there were no homeless, all had medical and dental care etc etc . Much better as stress level affects even the richest of the rich in the every man for himself lands . Not that they realize it .A kid that can get his orthodonic needs met is a lot more important than my stereo .
Contrary to popular opinion in the USA , Poland is a country with a strong
intellectual past and present .  Intellectuals are far more respected  in Poland than in USA and Poland ,in general, is a more refined and cultured
nation .