For Old Timers who experienced the "Golden Age" of Audio of the 60s and 70s.

Having traversed the long span of time and have known the love of Scott, Fisher Dynaco and McIntosh I have now settled into my "sweet spot" between a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls and Vintage Marantz 7 Preamp, DynacoST70 Amp,  Marantz 125 Tuner ,DUAL 1229 Changer and finally achieved "Musical Nirvana". How Sweet it Is!! Robinhood1940.

Please share your experiences!

Showing 1 response by akg_ca

been there ...started in the early 70s with a Sony receiver, Garrard turntable,  and AR bookshelves in my freshman year...

Then moved up to a MARANTZ 2245 receiver, ELAC MIRACORD turntable and a progression of speakers including DYNACO A25s, EPI 100s and finally the JBL L-100s.

Lets remember what the EPIs and DYNACOs etc represented: a cheap and cheaply made mass-market "new revolution" bookshelf product for the burgeoning wave of baby boomers flooding the college dorms as receivers and bookshelves replaced traditional home units.

The L-100s were a perfect match back then for the 60s and 70s pop and rock music facilitator, especially for a misspent youth immersed in Maui-Wowee infused college dorm arena. They had a particular "California" sound.... that's why they were the studio monitors of their time ....a heavily spiked bass, A heavily spiked midrange, and AN equally heavily spiked AND PROMINENT treble response... perfect for the pop and loud rock of that era. 
The L-100s performance completely killed the EPIs and DYNACOs .... not even close.


With a high-end system today (~ $50K for 2 channel system) the "vintage" kit brings back a nostalgia wave reminiscent of a gentler time...BUT the current gear performance completely smokes the vintage kit ...again not even a close...full stop.

Its been an interesting progression .....