For all you McIntosh fans

Back when I was in college I snagged an MC225, enjoyed that amp but was offered much more than I paid for it, sold it and snagged an MC275, which was good, but needed service a college kid couldn't afford, again was offered much more than I paid for it.

In the late 70's-early 80's I worked in high-end audio shops, sold McIntosh and always lusted over their electronics.

I spent much of last year upgrading my system, took months to audition lots of different speakers, found the combination of a C50 pre-amp and MC452 power-amp sounded most "musical" to me, snagged that pair and have been happy with them ever since.

I know lots of audiophiles have a low opinion of McIntosh equipment, this is just a hobby and that is their right, but it's disturbing to see all the personal attacks levied on these forums towards people who do like the brand.
Tubed pre and solid state amp are a match to behold - very musical, noit harsh at all.
Hey tzh21y - interested in your comment on replacement tubes over time.  What did you replace with?  Same as OEM McIntosh or did you "upgrade."  

IMHO - audiophiles are like cyclists.  I have a $3.5K road bike that is the most comfortable and efficient I've ever had, and the group I ride with all have $10K+.  One day, A guy was talking or "bragging" about replacing a seat post that was 400 grams less than his current one at a cost of $600.  That's 0.89 lb decrease in weight.  I said "Hmmm.  You have about 25 extra lbs on your gut - isn't bike + weight of person = total weight? - In that case - a week of Atkins is $2,000."  I love my 275 and, as Forrest Gump says "That's all I have to say about that"
The only time I was getting comments from the house guests about my stereo was when I had MacIntosh SACD player on the rack! Once upgraded to Wadia, its back to "normal", just a background music :-(   When not using Pono or iPod, MacIntosh player for iPhone (freebie from iTunes) reminds me of its beauty!