Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers!

My first experience with putting footers under my speakers was with Tannoy Westminster Royals.
With some difficulty, I put Mapleshade heavy footers under them. I was amazed. These $20k speakers, all of a sudden, became $30+ speakers! These days, I am into Stillpoints. Same thing-even more. My $30k speakers now sound like $60k speakers. I mean the imaging, the definition, the bass and everything just sounds fantastically Improved. I just put on the Stillpoints yesterday. This morning I jumped out of bed early just to be able to turn on the stereo and be floored. BTW- my speakers are 200 lbs and the Stillpoints Minis are strong enough. Pretty cheap for such an improvement!

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HI All i was looking at a set of footers Iso Acoustics Gaia 2 or 3 was informed that my speakers KEF R900 at 65lb each are at the high limit for theses but would work  well and should i get stands for them too has anyone had experience with this product and would you use the stands with them.