Follow-up to my alien aduction-like anecdote.

Both of the members who read my review of the Intuitive Design Summit Loudspeakers will (maybe) remember an anecdote regarding an alien abduction-like, lost time experience. I continue to believe that NO alien abduction ever happened to me, and that I was just listening to the speakers and lost track of time.

But I wonder, have any of YOU had a similar experience while listening to your stereo systems??? Are you concerned that you may have been abducted by aliens during a hifi listening experience?? As for myself, I remain unconcerned, but as a service to other A'gon-izers who may have had a similar experience while listening to their system and who now wonder if they were, "taken," I post this link to an online resource that may provide some peace of mind. You can thank me later. Here it is:

Peace of mind for audiophile abductees

Showing 1 response by duane

I used to get abducted all the time when listening to music and I was able to resolve the problem. I sold my Essence speakers and Townsend table with Grahem arm. When I purchased a Yamaha system the aliens stayed away. The only strange side efect is that my fillings hurt when I play Amanda McBroom.