Folk/Rock choices that are well recorded

Just wanting to hear from you smarties on your recommended best sounding, most fulfilling,folk/rock recording CD's. Simple as that.....thanks. Let's have fun. Dave.

Showing 1 response by rar1

For pure folk, there are:

1. Bill Staines' "The Journey Home" ... a covers album of 60's era classic folk
2. Joan Baez' "Any Day Now" ... a covers album of Dylan songs that has been recently remastered

For folk/rock

1. If you include Dylan in this category, the SACD hybrid versions of "Blood on the Tracks" and "Nashville Syline" would qualify.
2. The Grass Roots' "Where Were You When I Needed You," the original group headed up by P.F. Sloan ("Eve of Destruction" fame), before the name was used by the 60's pop group.
3. Crosby Stills Nash & Young "4 Way Street." I always owned a Japanese import CD and the sonics were pretty good. I do not how the US remastered version sounds.

There are others. As they come to mind ...

Regards, Rich