What a great thread! Civil discussion. Ruffled feathers, for sure. But, civil and respectful. Keep going guys! I am still on the fence about hi-rez and the OP really brought up a great article and it sparked a great discussion. It will ultimately come down to objectivists vs subjectivists, but who cares? Those who dismiss A/B/X testing believe that there is more to listening than can be quantified or measured, and those who believe in A/B/X think the rest of us are fools if we don't follow the science. Thanks to all for an entertaining discussion!
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
As I've upgraded by digital front end over the last few years, like most people I've been focused on 24/192 and related 'hi rez' digital playback and music to get the most from my system. However, I read this pretty thought provoking article on why this may be a very bad idea:
Maybe it's best to just focus on as good a redbook solution as you can, although there seem to be some merits to SACD, if for nothing else the attention to recording quality.
Maybe it's best to just focus on as good a redbook solution as you can, although there seem to be some merits to SACD, if for nothing else the attention to recording quality.