Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....

As I've upgraded by digital front end over the last few years, like most people I've been focused on 24/192 and related 'hi rez' digital playback and music to get the most from my system. However, I read this pretty thought provoking article on why this may be a very bad idea:

Maybe it's best to just focus on as good a redbook solution as you can, although there seem to be some merits to SACD, if for nothing else the attention to recording quality.

Showing 4 responses by bifwynne

I agree with the comments above that embrace the view that the biggest problem is engineering and mastering. I've posted a number of "heads-up" comments in other threads when I came across a particulary good sounding red book CD. Same goes for vinyl. This is an industry problem and my concern is that the music industry will go after market share and demographics. Let's face it folks, the kids love those ear bud thingys and could care less about real music fidelity. Us "gray hairs" are a shrinking market niche. What's an audiophile to do??
Just a little heads up on a well recorded redbook CD. I'm an old Four Seasons fan from the 60s and 70s. Just bought the CD 2005 original soundtrack of Jersey Boys and a CD redo of the original Best of the Four Seasons. The 2005 Jersey Boys CD is very nicely recorded. The original Four Seasons CD sucks. I guess the engineer who mastered the old Four seasons tunes thought everyone played their records with hand cranked turn tables and used a sowing needle for a stylus. UUuugghh.
Kijanki, do you know what the power bandwidth is on ARC amps, particularly the VS-115. Freq. response is approx. 100K, but I don't know if that is the same as power bandwidth.
Al and Kijanki, not sure this is relevant about extended bandwidth, but when I play the Four Seasons/Jersey Boys, I hear neighborhood dogs howling when Frankie Valli hits the high ones. LOL