Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.


Showing 3 responses by bluemike

I would be interested in getting a copy of that list if you don't mind Phil

b.t.w do the trentes make the list

I do believe that you are a blue circle dealer

Would you know if the blue circle cs integrated used as a preamp and the bc 24 would be able to drive the Jmr trentes easily

Would I need to hook them up any differently considering the trentes are a 4 ohm load

Your input is appreciated

Any recommendations for stands with the trentes besides the obvious (JMR'S own Magic stands)

Thx for your input