Focal Scala Evo vs Wilson Audio Alexia 1

So, I can get these for about the same price.  Alexia would be used, the Scala Evo would be new. 
I'm not really concerned about warranty or the Alexia failing, etc. 
I've heard Alexia in my room and loved them, but I've not heard the Scala Evo at all.  I understand the Maestro might be a fairer comparison agains the Alexia, but I'm wondering if anyone has heard the Evo and how it might compare. 
I have heard the Scala v1 and was impressed.  It's not Alexia 1, but, it's about half the cost (both used). 
Any comparisons Scala to Alexia? 
I'll be pushing with Simaudio Moon 700 series pre and amp.  Not sure of source yet. 

I'm am most pleased to see that Focal is coming up on peoples radar.  If anything I've realized with my Scala, you pair it with the right gear, they will keep giving you endless pleasure.  
before getting my wilson sasha 2, i one of the candidate
was a focal diablo scala 3, the problem is that this focal
are to revealing to bad recordings making it bright and
fatiguing, whereas the sasha 2 is more balanced irregardless
of recording quality. Sasha 2 also has a hint of warmth in the mids
and lower bass which i like.

Good morning all!
My name is Simone and I am a new commer in this forum! I am writing from Italy.
First of all I would like to espress my gratitude to all of you! I have been reading this forum for a period of time and I have got a lot of very useful information!

Finally i decided to sign up because I would like to interact with you and ask a couple of question as follows:

I currently own the Focal Sopra 2, driven by McIntosh MC2000 and McIntosh C2700 as preamp.
I am considering to upgrade my Focal Sopra 2 with the Scala Utopia EVO or Scala Utopia VII.

The questions are:
1) Are there truly significant improvements in performance between the above mentioned loudspeakers in comparison to their respective prices? (Euro 29.300 for Scala EVO brand new);
2) I could have also the chance to get a pair of Maestro Utopia (previous model, not EVO) for 20k, brand new. Would it be worthy to go for them instead of Scala EVO? would it be a noticeble improvement in comparison with the Scala EVO?

Hope I have been clear and thanks in advance for your answers....!