Focal Profile 918 or B&W 683

Hello, everybody

I need some expert advices on these two loudspeakers, the Focal Profile 918 and the New B&W 683. I just enter the audio industry and wanting start off right. I have a 14 x 13 x 8 room, and will be running the B&W with Rotel or the Focal with Cambridge Audio. I've listened to the Focal Profile 918 at Tweeter and B&W at a local Dealer. The first time I heard B&W is thought the B&W 683. They sounded great, it was clear, and the bass was tight. After countless trips back and forward testing the speakers out, I found the Focal Profile on sales at the local Tweeter store. They have it on sale for 2400/pair (demo), however I manage to get the salesman to approved it at 1800/pair. The Focal Profile 918 sounded very good, I was impressed. Now I am stuck between two great speakers, and hoping if everyone have any advice on it. Thank You.


75% Music/ 25% Movies
Ken, I think Cambridge Audio is a VERY good starter receiver. Actually, glad you picked one up. I think you will enjoy it and are on the right track.

Also, the Focals take a long time to break in. Over time you will notice the bass get deeper and the midrange tighten up. It will take some time. So there is something good to look forward to. :-)

Since you have wood floors. Use the spikes that came with the speakers. There are threads under the speaker to screw them in. Also, get (8) Herbie's Spike Grounding bases to protect your floors from the sharp spikes. Here is the website
Plus they will provide spike vibration drainage. I think the small ones will work nicely. This will be much cheaper than buying Symposium Svelte Shelves and will probably have very similar results. The Svelte shelves will work on wood floors but they cost around $400.

Keep us updated and enjoy the music!
Thank you Joe for your comment :), and advice, I've looked at the website and think it will be a good investment, Thank you for everything Joe. I am too am enjoying my new Focal. I am very please with my purchase.
Unfair comparising , try comparing Focal $4000 to B&W AROUND THE SAME PRICE RANGE ..AND YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH :):