Focal meets B&W?

I first heard B&W 804D3 and liked them. Then came Focal Kanta 2, Kanta 3, and Sopra 2. I really like certain aspects of both. I like the brighter sound of 804D3, but found some fatigue over time or that the midrange was missing compared to Focal. Conversely, I found some drop-off at times or just a more suppressed brightness, but a more polished sound. I did listed to all with MacIntosh, which hopefully provided some consistency.

Might there be a suggestion for a merge between the two? Or might this better be accomplished with the gear behind it?
If you like the sound of those speakers, you should at least listen to Paradigm Persona 3F to see how it compares. Shares some of the traits you describe. Maybe Magico A3 (little more expensive) would be worth a try as well.

Those would be my recommendations in cost range for what you seem to be looking for.