Focal Maestro Utopia , need advice for AMP/PRE

i bought Maestro Utopia , i should get them next week

this is my current setup:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

my setup can drive the new speakers well or i should consider more powerful Amp?
i red review , using Clasee 600 Amp to drive it
they said that this speakers need a lot of power.


Showing 5 responses by bvdiman

One possible candidate I saw listed.
Right voltage, right price if you are from Europe.
300w into 8ohm should be plenty good.

Simplification of system i.e..less cabling, less rack space etc could also be a welcome thing in your situation.

Disclaimer : No affiliation to seller.
Vitus or Accuphase.

11-25-13: Pelo911
someone here know about any Focal Maestro owner that i can ask what he chose for AMP/PRE/DAC ?
<< Look up member Ciro71. I think he uses Vitus with his Maestro.
I have a buddy who runs older Grand Utopias with Accuphase.. Sublime combo.
*Becareful, with wrong amps those Be tweeters could sound a mite hot and little tipped up.
Final pudding is always in the listening.. But I do believe by gathering opinions from
fellow owners, experienced Agoners, knowledgable Dealers, as well magazine reviews,
will aid form a good baseline to streamline one's choices.

It is not logistically practical to bring every conceivable candidates for home audition -
Do it (by all means) when down to your final two or three. Likewise, in the instance
products we desire not readily stocked locally (pre-order only), those collective insights
could also be particularly useful towards our decision making.

But yes, best to start auditioning only after things have properly settled and bedded-in
in order to avoid unnecessary/costly mistake on your part.
Pelo, keep watch here. I've seen from time to time Vitus monos (SM?) listed below 30k, and stereo (SS) less than 20k ~ Good buy.
i feel that the Pass are slightly "dull"
i'm looking for more dynamic and aggressive

someone can advice?
Pelo911 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

<< You don't want Vitus then. Maybe look for used Soulution710 @20k'ish here.
I'd describe them to be dynamic and lively - whether 'aggressive' or not depends largely on 'what feed them' (choose your flavor using cd/preamp/cabling). One of the most colorless and revealing amp I've owned.