Focal/JM Labs Nova Utopia Be

I'm going to be acquiring these speakers next week as replacement to my Dynaudio Countour S3.4s (a significant upgrade to say the least). Provided the size of the speaker and the low frequency response, I am wondering if any owners or previous owners of similar speakers have experienced any difficulties incorporating beasts such as these into a moderately sized room. My system resides in a 20' x 13' room with the speakers/electronics along the short wall. The corners, first reflection points and rear walls are acoustically treated. Additionaly, the stated nominal impedence is 8 ohms with the minimal impedence dipping to 3.6 . Would it be advisable to utilize to 4 ohm taps of my Mac amp rather than the 8s? Thanks in advance. New speakers is always both an exiciting and daunting venture...

Showing 2 responses by adamg

Thanks Focalfan and Mechans. I'm certain that the Stella's are superior to the Nova's in every conceivable manner. However, provided the current retail cost of the Stella's ($95,000 here in Canada), the Nova's at 1/4 the price are certainly the more economically effective solution.
Hi Brett

Sorry for the delayed reply. I have been thrilled with the Novas over the past three weeks. I was expecting some difficulties assimilating them into my listening space but I could not turn down the opportunity to acquire them locally at a great price. There is an evident bass hump at 50-60Hz. On a very limited number of recordings, the execess bass is distracting enough to prevent me from enjoying the music. I will emphasize that this occurs on a very small percentage of my listening material thus far. Furthermore, my previous speakers, the Dynaudio Contour S3.4, is several definable and categorical leagues away from the W/P series 8. Certainly a large part of my enjoyment of the new speakers is that they are simply much more elaborately engineered than my preceding floorstanders. This certainly wont be the case with you. My instincts tell me that the Scalas would be a more ideal replacement than the Novas in your circumstances.
