Focal 1027 BE break in

Just got Focal 1027 BE speakers. Sound great - but midrange not as detailed as I like. I'm spoiled with my Martin Logan Ascents. For other owners out there - does midrange improve with break in period? Bass already is amazing.
I'm a two month proud owner. I was fortunate to demo a broken in pair in the house for 2 weeks while I auditioned and awaited delivery of my new pair. The 1027's need some break-in time. You'll find the high's and mid-range to be their strong suit.
Does 30M2(not dedicated listening room, just normal living room) too small for 1027Be?
30 square meters (about 270 square feet) should be fine.

I do think these speakers prefer a relatively well/damped or "dead" room. If you don't have carpet and not much soft furniture, you might find they sound a little bright in a room of that size.

My room is about 16 x 22 x 9 feet, and I found that I needed to add absorption panels to tame the reflections. I don't have much furniture, and just an area rug.