
Responses from neilgundel

Audioquest DBS - What Voltage?
I agree that the changes are subtle, but after spending a lot of time and money on room treatments and power cables, for me they are very worthwhile. Certainly on a level with a generation newer cable, and free assuming you already have DBS. cable... 
Audioquest DBS - What Voltage?
The Dialectric Bias System does not form a circuit. It runs a wire through the middle of the cable at a high enough voltage to create an electric field, which is supposed to charge the dialectric. The insulation in the cable forms a dielectric in ... 
AudioQuest DBS Field
Yes, you can hear it. In my system, I have even found that there are noticeable differences when reducing the voltage by inserting dummy batteries.  Basically, as I reduce the voltage, the soundstage becomes a bit smaller, more distant and less re... 
SET Preamps
I agree with everyone who said most or nearly all tube preamps are SET, but why? In other words, why is a simple single-ended triode able to give 21st-century state-of-the-art performance in a preamp circuit, while similar performance in the power... 
Pass Labs preamp with Krell Evo amp. Anyone..??
Turns out the 402's standby and idle power consumption was overstated due to a typo. Krell has updated their site:402Power consumptionStandby: 260 WIdle: 390 WMaximum: 3800 WSlew rate100 V/µsDamping Factor (referred to 8 ohms)>145 at 20 Hz, ref... 
B&W 803 Diamond
I should mention that the showroom was not set up well to demonstrate the speakers, in case anyone is tempted to drive 100 miles to hear them there. (although they do have a demo pair of old model 800D's they are asking $14,000 for)Like many deale... 
Pass Labs preamp with Krell Evo amp. Anyone..??
The specs for the two models do indicate that they differ signficantly. Note that the 402 burns a LOT more power, even in standby, indicating that it's biased more heavily into class A. On the other hand, the 302's slew rate is faster, and it has ... 
Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?
There is definitely a trend for any high end company that wants to be taken seriously, to try to have a model with an absolutely insane price. I think these are usually created for three reasons:1. To establish that they belong in the rarefied com... 
High End and cables and tin ears....
It's safe to say that if you don't hear any difference on your current system, then you shouldn't upgrade your cables. You might find that on a different system - not necessarily any "higher end", you do hear very significant differences between v... 
Most improved last 10yrs: Speaker, amp, or pre?
Probably tweaks - in the last ten years, they have made huge leaps. If not in sound quality, then at least in chutzpah. 
Focal 1027 BE break in
30 square meters (about 270 square feet) should be fine. I do think these speakers prefer a relatively well/damped or "dead" room. If you don't have carpet and not much soft furniture, you might find they sound a little bright in a room of that si... 
Need feedback from Focal 1027Be owners
If you are going to actually place the speakers within 12" of the front wall and not have the freedom to move them out at least 2-3 feet from the front wall, I would try very hard to get a home demo.I have the 1027 Be's & am quite happy, but I... 
The Perfect Speakers for Jeff Rowland Concerto Int
>>Neilgundel: could you please specify in which aspects >>the JRDG Concerto was better than the Ayre K-5xe & >>V-5xe ?Fair question. My main interest was actually in the Ayre based on reviews, but my dealer had played the con... 
The Perfect Speakers for Jeff Rowland Concerto Int
On the Rowland site, they say they will not recommend associated equipment, but you can always ask!I am using the Concerto with JMLab 1027 Be's and it is a very nice combination, using Ayre CD player and audioquest cables (cheetah and volcano). I ... 
Focal Electra Be 937's placement
I second Plato's suggestion - I have the 1027 Be's on the long wall (but 4' out) of 16x22x9' room. Sounds great with the speakers toed in 3/4 of the way from straight ahead to straight at my ears.