FMJ CD 23 vs Rega Jupiter

Has any one auditioned these two players a/b?
Thanks to everyone that responded. Recently, with some extra effort, I was able to a/b these 2 players at home. IMHO the Arcam won easily. It has much better tone, instruments sounded like they are suppose too. It had a greater ability to seperate instruments and had a much quieter background. Did the Jupiter have more rythm, yes but not enough to make a big difference. IMHO in this price range and buying new, the arcam was hard to beat. For those interested I did get an e-mail from Arcam and there is a upgraded model out,the cd23t. It has a new mother board, clock and transport, so it should be better than before in the areas it was lacking... I'm getting one. M


Just wondering, I have read in several of your post's
about the Rega Jupiter 2000 having a louder background
noise than other players? I have just aquired a Jupiter
and find it to have one of the most quite backgrounds
of any cd player I haved owned, that being "many".
I wonder if there was maybe somthing wrong with the one you
Some players I have owned...

Wadia 6
Wadia 830
Arcam FMJ CD 23
Cary 300
Cary 303/100
Sim Nova
Planet 2000
Granite Audio 657

And many others I can't think of at the moment.

I find the Jupiter to stand with all of them...different
sure... but just wondering about the backgroung noise you heard?

Jupiter sound through my system is very dynamic, quite,
a touch laid back yet very musical & non fatiguing with
great heft in the bottom (solid). Very similiar to the Arcam &
Cary sound. Piano seems to reach the high notes without
any ear piercing but sounds very natural, and great
seperation & soundstage. Awesome midrange!!

Also the build quality is superb. Did they change
recently, because I have read that some other people
claim it was bright and that is for sure what it is

Anyway just curious. (Guess like alway's, it is system

Merry Christmas,
I recently listened to both the Arcam FMJ CD23T and the Rega Jupiter 2000. I listened to this equipment with Pass amplification running to Wilson WATT Puppy 7 speakers. I preferred the Arcam, music reproduction seemed a little clearer and there was a wider soundstage too. The Rega seemed less involving somehow...I ended up buying the Arcam at $2000 Canadian and with a full factory warranty, it seemed hard to beat.