fm reception

please somone help with the FM Receptoin I live In NewYrok City the FM RECEPTION is almost always terrible what is a great FM ANTENNA
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Showing 1 response by ezmeralda11

I own the Fanfare FM-2G and have been working with it the past few days connected my Fanfare ft-1a tuner. I also have a yagi style from radio shack that I'm going to dig out too and experiment with. I haven't had enough time with the FM-2G to tell you how I like it, off hand I'm getting 20 stations very clean under the scan mode with full signal strength. If I go into tune mode and do things manually I can get more. I don't know how many stations there are to recieve here in southern Missouri and I don't have to deal with as much pollution as you have up there. I'm hoping once the yagi style is up I kind get some stations out in Tulsa, Kansas City, and/or St. Louis. One thing you might want to do, and I don't know how much this matters, is get some nice heavy coax cable. The cable Fanfare sent me is about standard; however, I have some laying around that the cable company gave me free awhile back and it is considerably nicer- more material (dielectic) around the conductor (possibly larger conductor), better shielding, end terminations much stronger and tighter, especially good for outdoor environment. I'm guessing its still and RG-59 cable. But pay attention to you cable run (stay away from electric devices, pipes, etc.) so you don't pick up too much interference as the signal gets to the tuner.