FM Reception

I have A MR71 TUBE TUNER and live in Manhatten by central park what is the best way to clear signal on FM my FM is terrible I havae tryed the fanfare fm 2g and the GODDARD FM
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Showing 1 response by gasman

Try the Magnum-Dynalab Model 205 "Signal Sleuth" RF amp; If your problem is overload from adjacent FM stations, this unit is tunable to the FM frequency you want, and traps out adjacent FM frequencies that might be causing an overload of your tuner's front end. It can also amplify weak FM signals with adjustable gain, so that a weaker signal can be received with no noise. It is also likely that FM multipath interference is part of your problem (FM signal with delayed arrival times, due to bouncing off buildings, etc.)which causes noisy and distorted reception. This is harder to deal with, but can be fixed by using 2 antennas, and "phasing" them to cancel multiple FM signal arrivals of the same freq. Magnum should be able to advise on this method. Good luck.