FM antennas.............Does ANBODY still make them?

Recently picked up a nice Onkyo 9090 II tuner. It’s reputed to be one of the better DXR’s out there, very good sensitivity. Haven’t hooked it up yet, but I’d like to connect it to a good FM antenna...................I spent much of the day online looking for one and basically came up empty. None of the big guys make them anymore, Channel Master, Winegard, etc............My location is problematic. I’m in the woods, surrounded by tall trees and there is a nice mountain rising several hundred feet above me to the East and South East, the direction most stations come from. There are a few small omni’s out there, but I really need something better than that for my location.

Today everybody uses cable and yes, I know that you can pull in a gazzillion stations and any kind of music that you want that way...........but I’m old school.......and old. I like tuning things in and playing with the gear..........cable is no fun.

Surely somebody has a source for good FM antennas.............or plans to build one.

I hate cable. Everything used to be free. Today everything costs $$ and you get a ton of stuff that you don’t even care about, for a price.

Any ideas out there??

Showing 2 responses by sleepwalker65

The reviewer obviously knows nothing about reception of FM and ATSC signals:
“Connected with this antenna, your television would also receive the FM radio stations — keep in mind however you cannot hook up this antenna with a radio receiver.

To use this antenna, you need either an HD television set or an external ATSC tuner or converter box. The received picture is in full HD (1080p).“

The whole idea is that the antenna is receiving RF signals, and is thus not capable of magically preventing FM reception if it’s output is also being split to a TV.