FM Antenna positioning question

I am considering purchasing a Radio Shack (6 element) antenna, it is only $24; I am using a dipole now. I have a small station a little ways away that I occasionally enjoy, but I have to fight static a lot.

My question is this, this station is to my west, this is most likely the only station I will listen to that is to my west, all other stations are powerful stations to my north or southeast. If I point this antenna to the west, will these other stations still come in?

Showing 2 responses by brianmgrarcom

Thanks for the replies. I should of mentioned that I am aware that a rotor would be best, but for a couple reasons I wasn't considering it. My tuner has two antenna inputs, so I may just use two antennas, something I was slightly against due to astetics.

If I butt two coax cables together to lengthen one, does this degrade the signal? (Yes, I know the cost of coax.)
You lost me on some of that Shasta. "Cancare connectors and skip the coupler." I've never heard of Blue Jean cable, nor Godar; but I see Audio Advisor sell the Godar for $60. It would be convenient, but I am still leaning towards an outdoor antenna.