FM Antenna Godar vs. Magnum Dynalab

I just bought a Magnum Dynalab 101 tuner. I am wanting to use a indoor antenna and would like to know if anyone has tryed both the Godar and the Magnum Dynalab st-2 antennas. I live in Windsor Ontario just across the river from Detroit so reception area is good.

Thanks Terry

Showing 2 responses by muzikat

I am Currently using both in two different rooms. The Godar is better IMO. Get the one with the rabbit ears,
beats the standard model. The ST2 works better in one room, the Godar bettr in the other, go figure. Placement issues I'm sure.
I must jump back in here. I also have a Fanfare whip. IMO, in my house, the ST 2 and the Godar out perform the Fanfare.