FLUANCE Speakers. Look like BW 802

Check out these FLUANCE Speakers, they look exactly like the BW 802 speakers. Type in FLUANCE Speakers in Ebay. www.ebay.com Or go here. http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1221635940&tc=photo3276
Cornfed, don't go there. The Flatulence 404 was a classic. Nobody has ever been able to match the lows that they produced, nor the smell. As far as the Fluance, 36 lbs for a speaker that big with 2 eight inch woofers? Boy that is pretty solid.
i dunno, but i think they're closer to the ol' FLATULENCE 404's. maybe not in looks but pretty sure in sound.
Yeah, I'm sure they will work out great for you. Good luck on your bidding. After you win, I have some garden hose for you that looks like Kimber BiFocal XL that you can use to hook them up.
Hey, you'se guys don't buy your speakers based on what they look like? Shocked, I say I'm shocked by that information!
