Florida A'goners Bolt yer system down

Hey Folks!

Just wanted to take a minute to wish you all luck and to be very careful for the next couple days. This weather is already wrecking havoc with the telecommunications sector!

Stay low! Keep your first aid kits handy! And play some "Riders on the Storm" from the doors to pass the time!

Take care! And remember, Your stereo can be replaced! YOUR LIFE CANNOT! Lets make sure all of our floridian friends are still here come Monday!

Good Luck! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Showing 1 response by driver

Great idea Slappy! FL needs all the prayers it can get.

I'm sure a lot of you have been through bad storms but just to reemphasize the destructive & far reaching power of a Hurricane, just two months ago, a huge limb (about 35-40') that was hanging directly above our transformer about 60' up was finally removed by a tree trimming co. from the damage caused by Hurricane Isabel last year. I think that company is still in the area doing clean up work, as I see the trucks from time to time.

Our Power Co. is getting ready to make a commitment re: sending trucks down as over 1 million lost power here from Isabel, so I can empathize with what you guys are about to go through.

Check out this Hurricane link to watch Charlie.