Floorstander or bookshelf?

Hello everybody,

My current current system is:
-NAD C542
-Naim Nait 5i (VER.02)
-Monitor Audio RS6
The room is around 17MP (5M X 3.5M) /(16ft. X 11.5 ft),speakers being placed along 16 ft. side.

I had recently the occasion to make a comparison of my current speakers with Spendor S3e and Sonus Faber Toy.
To my surprise ,I found that RS6 sound is very "colored" and the bass is boomy vs the other two speakers.
Much more ,I was very impressed by the musicality of Sonus Faber at the point that I am very tempted to buy a pair even they are a little bass shy and very slow for pop and electronic music.
Personally I didn`t like very much the Spendors which I found to dark for my tastes.

- What do you consider that should be more appropriate for my room , a bookshelf or a floorstander?
- Having in mind the positive reviews for RS6,do you consider a downgrade from RS6 to Sonus Faber Toy and if so what would be your recommendation?
Have you treated your room for reflections? Do that first before you do anything else. The RS6's are very good speakers for the cost. Sounds like you just want a better bass response. Overall, this will make a bigger impact than anything else for you right now.
Thanks for answer,
I did not make any treatments.The speakers are placed 5ft.(1.5m) away from the side walls and 1.3ft.(0.4m) in front of back walls with 6.5 ft.(2m) distance between them.
I find the bass to boomy for my tastes.
The excessive lows tend to "color" the voices and to make the sound somehow artificial.
I suspect that a bookshelf would be more adequate taking in account room size.
As for RS6, everybody seems to agree that are very good speakers for the money but wouldn`t be Sonus Faber Toy a step forward?
I second the room treatment suggestion.

The comment about bookshelf and room size suggests that the room is on the small side. The smaller the space the more important the treatments become.

The room is about 50% of the sound. Money spent there will probably have a greater return than that spent on H/W - at least up to the point where the room is under control.

I would rather have an average system in an excellent room than the other way around.

Good luck,