Floor Standing under $1000 Polk vs Paradigm

I am moving from monitors to floorstanding speakers. I am gonna have a baby crawiling around and don't want a 40 lb monitor to fall on her. I figure floor standing speakers will be more stable. I have a talk electronics cyclone integrated amp. It is SS and a solid 60 wpc. I am currently looking at Paradigm Studio 60 and Polk LSi 15. They seem in the same ballpark.Anyone have a chance to compare these before?
IMO, the Polk LSi's are definitely the better of the two in question. However, you're not going to get all of what they are capable of with your current power source. Feed them well and they will reward you.
I used to own the Polk Lsi 15s and they are great for the money and easily best the Paradigms,but up to 5k thats some pretty strong words,infact the Salksound Veracity Ht-3s will obliterate the Lsi 15s or anything anywhere near that pricerange and signicantly above.
So how much power am I gonna need? Can I use my current amp with decent results until I can afford to replace it. It might be while until I can do that. If it is gonna sound like crap with my current system and the Polks I don't think I can go for that.

I don't know that they'd sound like crap, just not to their full potential is all I was saying.
I ran my LSi-15s with an 80 watt integrated for a while. Never felt anything was missing with 80 watts. If your amp doesn't mind the 4 ohm load, it would probably work fine.