floating ground on ICs?

I'm about to embark on a DIY interconnect project - some have suggested a floating ground is a good idea - ie, connect the outershield to one end only, float the other - to draw noise away from the source components.
None of my components are 3 prong AC BTW -except maybe the TV. Is it safe to have an entire system that is just two-prong (sonographe/CJ SA250 is amp - uses hardwired zip cord - will upgrade that someday also.)

Anyone using floating grounds on ICS that can comment on the safety and sound issues ? Planning to make ICs for DAC > preamp and preamp > amp.

Showing 1 response by serus

some have suggested a floating ground is a good idea - ie, connect the outershield to one end only, float the other
That is not floating the shield!
It is MANDATORY that you do so with single-ended cables, because connectong the shield to the RCA ground on both ends just creates a low-resistance bypass for the ground wire in that cable. Most shields are quite hefty relative to the hot and ground wires, so most of the "return" current will flow through the shield, if connected on both ends, rather than through the ground wire, as intended by the designer.
This bypass path will DISRUPT the correct operation of the cable!!! Many cables are designed with a balanced geometry so that the electromagnetic fields induced by the currents in the hot and ground wires actually cancel each other. The parallel bypass through the shield may not behave the same way - it will become more like a coaxial design.
It may sound fine, some coaxial cables do... It would be just a "funny" implementation of one...

BTW, you should mark the end where the shield is grounded, so that the stereo pair would be grounded exactly the same.